
JC’s desire is to provide an accessible and safe environment here on campus. The following information is provided for your safety as well as the consideration of others.


  • Anonymous Tip Line

    Jackson College Security now allows the public to share important public safety information anonymously with security staff via an online form, smart phone app or secure text message about crimes or suspicious activity on college property. 该系统为学生提供了一种安全可靠的方式, employees, and visitors to share important information with security staff without fear of retribution. 这个系统是100%匿名的, as the technology removes all identifying information before security sees it and there is no way to identify the sender.

  • 自动体外除颤器

    We now have life-saving automated external defibrillator (AED) machines installed on the Central Campus at the following locations:



    • 1st 楼层-学生共用区

    McDivitt Hall:

    • 1楼-靠近大学推广办公室

    Whiting Hall:

    • 2nd Floor – Center Stairwell and an additional AED outside the Health Clinic.

    Walker Hall:

    • 1楼-前电梯区
    • 2nd 地板-靠近洗手间

    Potter Center:

    • 一楼-电梯区
      一楼- Jet 's Store附近的公共餐厅.
      2nd Floor –Stairs to 3rd Floor and an additional AED inside the board room.

    Gold Hall, 栗色大厅和校园景观:

    • 1st Floor Lobby Areas

    William Atkinson:

    • 一楼-图书馆谘询处


    • 在每个压盒内.

    Jets Hangar:

    • 正门旁边.

    STEAM Building:

    • 在东部大湾区内.


    • 总部外.


    • 总部内部.

    箱子打开后,立即拨打911报警电话. 仔细阅读并遵循说明. If there is an additional person with you, they can make a confirmation call to 911. There are several JC employees here on the Central Campus who are CPR/AED certified. If you are interested in CPR/AED training, call Human Resources at 796-8334.


    Use your discretion. Assess the facts. Keep your head. Think of others. 冷静而直接地行动.

    1. 确保911调度员知道:
      • Jackson College
      • 需要协助的地点(建筑物、楼层、房间等).)
      • Type of emergency.
    2. 通知校园安全与保安,电话517.796.8620 (ext. 8620)和安全站点手机517.740.7986 whenever there is an emergency and to obtain assistance for directing emergency personnel traffic, crowd control, evacuation, etc. 或者联系总机(0). Members or the Jackson College Safety and Security Department are on Campus 24/7.

    Responsibility for Service: Under no circumstances will the person telephoning for emergency service be responsible for those charges. The person requiring assistance has first responsibility for the charges. Other arrangements may be made at the discretion of the JC Human Resources Department.

  • 构建监测

    学院使用监控设备, 包括但不限于相机和软件, 以确保员工, 学生及访客安全. 校园保安全天候监控.  Signage regarding the use of building surveillance is posted at main entrances.

  • Campus Parking

    中央校区有超过1,700个停车位. 只允许在指定区域内停车, 并严禁在消防/安全车辆通道内使用, 市/县公交通道, handicap spaces, 所有校园车道和道路.

    Campus security personnel have been sworn to enforce Summit Township and state parking ordinances on campus. Safety warnings and parking violation citations will be issued when necessary to control parking and to provide a safe means of entry and exit from campus lots.

  • 员工大楼入口


    Building access procedures are designed to protect you and your colleagues during nonscheduled business hours. Nonscheduled business hours are those times when campus is typically closed including weekends, holidays, 工作日早上7点之前.m. or after 10 p.m.

    Please schedule your building access requests ahead of time (at least 24 hours) by sending an email to the Campus Safety and Security Department at security@mogrenlandscape.com.

      1. Name/Extension
      2. Date Needed
      3. Entry/Exit Time
      4. Building/Room
      5. Reason

    This will allow Jackson College Safety and Security Officers Services to schedule your safe and timely access. 当你准备离开的时候, please contact the Jackson College Safety and Security Department at 517.796.8620 ext. 8620或安全站点手机517.740.7986.

  • Escort Services

    陪同服务可根据要求从JC安全. Call 517.796.8620 (ext.8620)或安全站点手机517.740.做安排.

  • Health Emergency

    The following situations should ALWAYS be considered life-threatening emergencies.

    • Chest pain or pain radiating from the chest to the jaw, shoulder or arm (possible heart attack)
    • Lack of breathing, difficulty breathing, 或呼吸短促(可能是气道阻塞), 心脏病发作或其他危及生命的疾病)
    • Unconsciousness (many possible life-threatening conditions such as stroke, 中毒或心脏病发作)
    • 呛咳(喉咙内有异物)
    • Weakness in face or on one side of body, or inability to speak (possible stroke)
    • 脸色苍白、发蓝或发灰、出汗、呼吸急促(可能中风)
    • Bleeding that does not stop easily when pressure is applied (cut or laceration requiring medical care)
    • Protruding bones or severe pain, deformity and loss of motion at or near a bone (possible fracture)
    • 烧伤,除非非常轻微
    • Coughing or vomiting blood (possible internal hemorrhage), foreign body in eye
  • 校园外场地使用

    使用校园场地(运动场等).) is restricted. 有关信息和日程安排,请致电517.796.8473.

    For all events, vehicles (except snow removal equipment) are prohibited from driving on walkways or grounds areas. 所有车辆只能在道路和服务坡道上行驶.

    严禁在草地上停车. 中央校区设有停车场. 如果你选择把车停在县道上, keep vehicles off those grassy areas that are maintained by College personnel.


    Building access procedures are designed to protect you and your colleagues during nonscheduled business hours. Nonscheduled business hours are those times when campus is typically closed including weekends, holidays, 工作日早上7点之前.m. or after 10 p.m.

    Please schedule your building access requests ahead of time (at least 24 hours) by sending an email to the Campus Safety and Security Department at security@mogrenlandscape.com.

      1. Name/Extension
      2. Date Needed
      3. Entry/Exit Time
      4. Building/Room
      5. Reason

    This will allow Jackson College Safety and Security Officers Services to schedule your safe and timely access. 当你准备离开的时候, please contact the Jackson College Safety and Security Department at 517.796.8620 ext. 8620或安全站点手机517.740.7986.

  • Transportation


    学生可乘坐公共交通工具 Central Campus . 学生们可以利用公交票价的优惠 杰克逊交通局 (JTA). JTA有一个特别的 schedule of services 到全球网络赌博平台的中央校区上课.

  • Vehicle Assistance

    Vehicle assistance is a courtesy provided by the Campus Safety and Security team. Call the 517.796.8620 (ext. 8620)或安全站点手机517.740.7986. 车辆辅助仅限于汽车电池的启动. 安全将不再提供解锁服务.